Sunday, June 27, 2010


June 27th is definitely going to be one of those days; I will never forget. Since, this was after a long time i felt i had a hearty laugh. Well, the occasion was my friends engagement. This is definitely not what i had laughed for... There are sometimes rather many a times when we land up in a party or some kind of celebrations, where of all the people present you seem know just two. Well, that was my situation today.
Looking like, i landed in midst of a bunch of people who knew each other for years; but, they dint let me feel like i was anyhow stranger to them.
As I had entered the hall, I was greeted by my friend and then her other old buddies, some HI's and Hello's. Then, I took my seat with them. After, this what had happened was a laughter riot which i do not think i will ever forget..
The people here were ( Giri, Avinash, Janardhan, Sirisha, Anand, Sandeep, Vamsi, Siri...). I have never personally or remotely have never been in contact with these people expect sirisha who happens to be my college friend. They spoke about themselves and pulled each others leg. Some introduced each other in a way u couldn't help smiling about. And as many more joined in, we were a huge group at the back of the hall making a racket. Thanks, to my friends parents who took it very sportingly and dint feel the need to keep us quiet.
Sometimes, seldom we expect from strangers to make our day memorable. Definitely, if we are ready to mingle and let ourselves free for others to reach us. Everyday is memorable.
I really want to thank all of them by heart, for making my day absolutely wonderful and a very special one...
/// though my jaws and sides pinching out of tiredness, I'm happy to feel this pain///
As of, if someone reading this wonders what were the jokes about. I apologize for not mentioning them as they were spontaneous and of all i don't remember what most of the jokes started with or ended with. Sometimes some things and feelings can't be summarized or justified in writing completely, they are meant to be just felt about, this day was one such of those.

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